c# - WinForms scrollable control touch behavior -

i have splitcontainer contains atalasoft's annotateviewer. class hierarchy follows:

system.windows.forms.control   atalasoft.imaging.wincontrols.scrollport     ...       atalasoft.annotate.ui.annotateviewer         my.annotateviewer 

now problem: long content of splitcontainer smaller actual viewport, hence no scrollbars visible, touch input interpreted left mouse down, mouse move , left mouse i'd expect , love see. still use two-finger-panning scroll view. but: if zoom viewer, content gets larger viewport, scrollbars appear , touch input behaves differently: horizontal panning stays same, vertical panning causes scrolling, single finger.

the question is: behavior atalasoft-specific, winforms-specific or system-specific , can change it? i'd single finger convert left click , move. 2 finger's scrolling fine (and works.)

i fear system specific because can find exact same behavior in word 2010. still, it's microsoft product.

i begin hate fact sudden inspiration after typing down problem forum or similar.

this problem solved re-registering gesture events. able register pan gestures except horizontal and/or vertical single finger pan.

// adapt gesture registration window gestureconfig[] gestureconfig = new[] {     // register zoom gesture     new gestureconfig { dwid = gid_zoom, dwwant = gc_zoom, dwblock = 0 },     // register pan gestures ignore single finger (only use two-finger-pan scroll)     new gestureconfig { dwid = gid_pan, dwwant = gc_pan, dwblock = gc_pan_with_single_finger_horizontally | gc_pan_with_single_finger_vertically } }; setgestureconfig(this.handle, 0, (uint)gestureconfig.length, gestureconfig, (uint)marshal.sizeof(typeof(gestureconfig))); 

details here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/dd353241%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

i think cleanest solution can get.

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