vim - How to call a function that moves the cursor without leaving visual mode? -
i have function moves cursor built-in cursor()
function , works fine on normal mode.
concreteness suppose function:
function! f() call cursor( line('.')+1, 1) endfunction
used mappings as:
nnoremap <buffer> :call f()<cr>
now want reuse function move cursor on visual mode (visual, line visual, , block visual) , without losing previous selection.
for example, initial buffer in visual mode (c
means cursor @ line, v
means line part of current visual selection):
vc 1 2 3
hitting a
v 1 vc 2 3
and hitting a
again give:
v 1 v 2 vc 3
so old selection kept.
i reuse f()
as possible, since in application f()
quite large.
best way that?
up now, best use wrapper function:
function! vismove(f) normal! gv call function(a:f)() endfunction
and map as:
vnoremap <buffer> :call vismove('f')<cr>
however not satisfied because this:
- it requires putting annoying wrapper on every new fgplugin write.
- calling function moves cursor (or has other arbitrary side effects) without ever leaving visual (current) mode seems such natural thing able do. there
it, resets cursor position.
i solve passing mode
argument (or alternatively boolean isvisual
flag) function:
fu! f(mode) range if a:mode ==# 'v' normal! gv endif ... endf nn <buffer> :cal f('n')<cr> vn <buffer> :cal f('v')<cr>