php - How can i sort this list by "date modified"? -

i have been trying mp3 player order songs " date modified" can't seem work properly. there way can output results " date modified"? can me out this?

    /*  reads mp3's local  directory, returns array of uri's */             function grab_local_folder_mp3s( $folder ) {     $items = array_multisort(                array_map( 'filemtime', $items ),               sort_numeric,               sort_desc,               $items               );     if ( ($lp = strpos($folder, $this->rooturl)) || preg_match("!^/!", $folder) ) {         if ( $lp !== false ) {             $fp = str_replace($this->rooturl, "", $folder);             $fp = str_replace("www.", "", $fp);             $fp = str_replace("http://", "", $fp);             $fp = str_replace("https://", "", $fp);         } else {             $fp = $folder;         }         $path = $_server['document_root'] . $fp;         if ($handle = @opendir($path)) {             $j=0;             while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {                 if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && filetype($path.'/'.$file) == 'file' && preg_match("!\.mp3$!i", $file) ) {                     $items[$j++] = $file;                 }             }             closedir($handle);             if ( ($c = count($items)) > 0 ) {                 asort($items);                  if ( $this->folder_order != "asc" ) {                     $items = array_reverse($items, true);                 }                 $fp = preg_replace( "!/+$!", "", $fp );                 foreach ( $items $i => $mp3 ) {                     $items[$i] = "http://" . $_server['http_host'] . $fp . "/" . $mp3;                 }             }             $this->dbug['str'] .= "\nread folder - done, " . $c . "mp3(s) in folder http://" . $_server['http_host'] . $fp;             return $items; //the tracks array         } else {             $this->dbug['str'] .= "\nread folder - couldn't open local folder, check path/permissions http://" . $_server['http_host'] . $fp;             return true;         }     } else {         $this->dbug['str'] .= "\nread folder - path remote or unreadable." . $fp;         return false;     } } 

unless have special powers, $items variable remains undefined:

function grab_local_folder_mp3s( $folder ) {     $items = array_multisort(                array_map( 'filemtime', $items ),               sort_numeric,               sort_desc,               $items               ); 

and beginning of function. maybe it's worth think how split code across more 1 function? rule of saying is: 6 lines in function. if gets longer, start think how move code out of it. try it, works wonder.

and development: enable error reporting highest level , trace error log. php tells such mistakes , know quite fast then. keep php updated best error messages available.

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