c# 4.0 - Not found exception When start the ManagementEventWatcher -

not found exception times while starting maagementeventwatcher

my code sample given below :

 try         {             string scopepath = @"\\.\root\default";             managementscope managementscope = new managementscope(scopepath);             wqleventquery query =                 new wqleventquery(                     "select * registrykeychangeevent " + "hive = 'hkey_local_machine'"                     + @"and keypath = 'hardware\\devicemap\\serialcomm'");             registrywatcher = new managementeventwatcher(managementscope, query);             registrywatcher.eventarrived += new eventarrivedeventhandler(serialcommregistryupdated);              registrywatcher.start();         }         catch (exception ex)         {             console.writeline(ex.message);             if (registrywatcher != null)             {                 registrywatcher.stop();             }         } 


  not found   @ system.management.managementexception.throwwithextendedinfo(managementstatus errorcode)   @ system.management.managementeventwatcher.start()   @ mtts.labx.rocklog.appservice.usbmonitor.addregistrywatcherhandler()] 

note : checked in registry,folder , files found.

managementexception "not found" thrown when there not match in wql query. maybe have specified wrong keypath or keypath no longer available.

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