canvas - Delphi How to draw 2d array of TColor on TCanvas quickly? -
i have 2-dimensional array of tcolor. , have tcanvas. how can draw color map on canvas faster for cycle?
for example:
type t2dar = array of array of tcolor; var ar: t2dar; form1: tform; // mainform function main; var x, y: integer; begin {filling array colors 10x10} x := 0 length(ar)-1 y := 0 length(ar[x])-1 form1.canvas.pixels[x, y] := ar[x, y]; end;
this way works slowly. need faster algorithm.
this has been answered many times. answer is: use scanline
s instead of terribly slow pixels
property. example:
function createbitmapreallyfast: tbitmap; const white: trgbtriple = (rgbtblue: 255; rgbtgreen: 255; rgbtred: 255); black: trgbtriple = (rgbtblue: 0; rgbtgreen: 0; rgbtred: 0); var y: integer; scanline: prgbtriple; x: integer; begin result := tbitmap.create; result.setsize(1920, 1080); result.pixelformat := pf24bit; y := 0 result.height - 1 begin scanline := result.scanline[y]; x := 0 result.width - 1 begin if odd(x) scanline^ := white else scanline^ := black; inc(scanline); end; end; end;
even cooler:
with scanline^ begin rgbtblue := random(255); rgbtgreen := random(255); rgbtred := random(255); end;
to try it:
procedure tform1.formpaint(sender: tobject); var bm: tbitmap; begin bm := createbitmapreallyfast; try canvas.draw(0, 0, bm);; end; end;
of course, if have (packed) array of trgbtriple
or trgbquad
, , pixel format of bitmap same, can move
data in memory array bitmap's scanlines.