tsql - Reading Deleted or Update Value from the Open Transaction -

i trying open transaction , delete 1 record need insert deleted record event table. problem can't see result because has been deleted.

create procedure [dbo].[testdata] ( @clientid bigint ) begin      print ''abc''     insert client_event_log values ( getdate(),0,@clientid,100,''b0ae3162-671c-e211-af2a-00155d051024'',null)        begin try     begin tran          delete access_types    -- there record in table.          8559230 abc 101 0   2010-01-01 10:25:25.000          select * access_types  -- cann't see deleted record before session.          declare @cgtaeventlog bigint         select @cgtaeventlog=access_type_id access_types               exec testdata @cgtaeventlog   -- passing 8559230 sp insert event                   table has been delete before can't insert null          commit tran     end try     begin catch         rollback tran         --error message         print 'error: ' +              convert(varchar,error_number()) + ' - ' +              convert(varchar,error_severity()) + ' - ' +              convert(varchar,error_state()) + ' - ' +              error_message() +          ' raise error occurred @ line ' + convert(varchar,error_line())     end catch end 

i need find way access data after deleting can insert event table.

assuming on sql server 2005 or later, can use output clause access virtual 'deleted' table , park contents in table variable. following

declare @tmptable table (id int, ......)  delete access_types output deleted.id,... @tmptable   select * @tmptable 

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