sql server 2008 - SQL Database Date Ranges -

i have flat table holds status updates.

these updates stored in following format:

agreementid | statusid | statusdate

source data:

agreementid statusid    statusdate 109         1           14/01/2013 15:00:33 109         2           14/01/2013 15:01:28 109         2           14/01/2013 15:01:28 109         2           14/01/2013 15:02:42 109         2           26/02/2013 16:27:38 109         2           26/02/2013 16:27:45 109         8           19/02/2013 13:57:33 109         8           04/03/2013 16:46:29 109         8           18/03/2013 14:08:12 109         8           18/03/2013 14:47:00 109         8           18/03/2013 14:48:46 109         9           26/03/2013 15:41:51 

what needing map agreement status in date ranges, agreement can have multiple status updates of same statusid, once agreement goes onto next statusid cannot step backwards previous status id.

for last status date range should statusdate date.

i have got following piece of code, results not giving me want...

select          agreementid,      convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), statusdate, 103), 103) statusdate,      convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), statusdate, 103), 103) datefrom,      case when dateto null convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 103), 103) else convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), dateto, 103), 103) end dateto,      statusid              (      select              agreementid,          statusid,          statusdate,          (select top (1) statusdate tblstatusupdates su su.agreementid = u.agreementid , su.statusdate > u.statusdate order statusid, statusdate asc) dateto,          rn = row_number() on (partition agreementid order statusdate)                       (          select                  agreementid,              statusid,              min(statusdate) statusdate                                tblstatusupdates          group              agreementid, statusid         ) u     )  

here example result query:

agreementid statusdate  datefrom    dateto      statusid 109         14/01/2013  14/01/2013  14/01/2013  1 109         14/01/2013  14/01/2013  14/01/2013  2 109         19/02/2013  19/02/2013  26/02/2013  8 109         26/03/2013  26/03/2013  25/04/2013  9 

as can see, date value not right, should run day before next status id.

so in example, status 2 should run 19/02/2013 18/02/13

any suggestions great. thank you.

quick update on one, trying far on complicated answer needed.

here code have got now:

select      agreementid,       statusid,      datefrom,      case when dateto not null dateadd(s, -1, dateto) else getdate() end dateto     (      select          agreementid,          statusid,          min(convert(datetime,statusdate,103)) datefrom,          (select top(1) statusdate tblstatusupdates b b.statusid > a.statusid order statusid asc, statusdate asc) dateto               tblstatusupdates      group          agreementid,          statusid     ) c 

this gives me following results:

agreementid statusid    datefrom                  dateto 109         1           2013-01-14 15:00:33.360   2013-01-14 15:01:27.393 109         2           2013-01-14 15:01:28.393   2013-02-19 13:57:32.437 109         8           2013-02-19 13:57:33.437   2013-03-26 15:41:49.843 109         9           2013-03-26 15:41:50.843   2013-04-26 10:34:13.860 

thank suggestions.

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