delphi - How to OwnerDraw TListView Bitmaps with vsIcon Style? -

there examples in stackoverflow ownerdraw subitems in tlistview vsreport style not find example on how ownerdraw bitmaps in tlistview vsicon style?

my bitmaps stored in third-party list , resized 32x32. not want use imagelist because bitmaps available in third-party list. code shown below draws first icon ok, remaining items empty. should doing in other event has access trect?

procedure tform1.cxlistview1customdrawitem(sender: tcustomlistview; item: tlistitem;   state: tcustomdrawstate; var defaultdraw: boolean); var   ibitmap: tbitmap;   irect: trect; begin   { create tbitmap }   ibitmap := tbitmap.create;   ibitmap.width := 32;   ibitmap.height := 32;   if item.index <> -1   begin     { copy bitmap list ibitmap }     aieimagelist.image[item.index].copytotbitmap(ibitmap);     { resample bitmap }     ibitmap.ieresample(32, 32);     {fix}     irect := item.displayrect(drbounds);     { draw bitmap }     sender.canvas.draw(irect.left,, ibitmap);   end;; end; 

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