css Hold animation after it finish -

for example make scale 1 2, , want make hold when gets scale 2, example while user hovers image scaled, possible?

@-webkit-keyframes scale {     {         transform: scale(1);         -ms-transform: scale(1); /* ie 9 */         -webkit-transform: scale(1); /* safari , chrome */     }     {         transform: scale(1.5);         -ms-transform: scale(1.5); /* ie 9 */         -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); /* safari , chrome */     } } @keyframes scale {     {         transform: scale(1);         -ms-transform: scale(1); /* ie 9 */         -webkit-transform: scale(1); /* safari , chrome */     }     {         transform: scale(1.5);         -ms-transform: scale(1.5); /* ie 9 */         -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); /* safari , chrome */     } }  div.item:hover { animation: scale 2s; -webkit-animation: scale 2s; } 

you can use transition property instead of keyframes animation.

div.item {     transform: scale(1);     transition: .2s; }  div.item:hover {   transform: scale(1.5); } 

see fiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/8ehhl/

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