c# - How do I upload to dropbox using dropnet? -

i using dropnet. have problem upload file dropbox. sure connection dropbox in fine. when changed method of upload create file , delete file method works fine. can not see problem why not uploading? use same api dropnet.

protected void btn_upload_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         if (fileupload1.hasfile)         {             if (session["dropnetuserlogin"] != null)             {                 try                 {                     _client.usesandbox = true;                     _client.uploadfile("/", fileupload1.filename, fileupload1.filebytes);                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     litoutput.text = "error in upload user login in session " + ex.message;                 }             }             else             {                 litoutput.text = "session expired...";             }         }         else          {             litoutput.text = "you did not specify file upload.";         }     } } 

here code worked me, hoping may you:

private void button1_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     var dlg = new openfiledialog();      dlg.filter = "text documents (.txt)|*.txt";      nullable<bool> result = dlg.showdialog();      if (result == true)     {         string filename = dlg.filename;         filenametextbox.text = filename;     }      var x = @"/" + path.getfilename(filenametextbox.text);      _client.uploadfile("/", path.getfilename(filenametextbox.text), file.readallbytes(@"" + filenametextbox.text)); } 

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