.net - menu loading error in XNA project to load 3D menu -

i trying 3d menu in xna getting error following "the name 'item_ontap' not exist in current context." new xna programming.thank in advance.

//modelmenugame.cs      public class modelmenugame : microsoft.xna.framework.game     {         graphicsdevicemanager graphics;         spritebatch spritebatch;          spritefont font;         model menuitemmodel;         vector3 cameraposition;          matrix view;         matrix projection;         list<modelmenuitem> menu;         int totalmenuitems = 4;          rectangle leftregion;         rectangle rightregion;          int currentindex = 0;         public event eventhandler ontap;           public modelmenugame()         {             graphics = new graphicsdevicemanager(this);             content.rootdirectory = "content";              targetelapsedtime = timespan.fromticks(333333);              // extend battery life under lock.             inactivesleeptime = timespan.fromseconds(1);         }           protected override void initialize()         {             // todo: add initialization logic here             cameraposition = new vector3(-40, 10, 40);             view = matrix.createlookat(cameraposition, vector3.zero, vector3.up);             projection = matrix.createperspectivefieldofview(mathhelper.piover4, graphicsdevice.viewport.aspectratio, 1.0f, 1000.0f);             menu = new list<modelmenuitem>();              leftregion = new rectangle(0, 0, graphicsdevice.viewport.width / 2, graphicsdevice.viewport.height);             rightregion = new rectangle(graphicsdevice.viewport.width / 2, 0, graphicsdevice.viewport.width / 2, graphicsdevice.viewport.height);               ontap = new eventhandler(item_ontap);             currentindex = currentindex % totalmenuitems;             if (currentindex < 0)             {                 currentindex = totalmenuitems - 1;             }             else if(currentindex > totalmenuitems - 1)                 {                     currentindex = 0;                 }             foreach (modelmenuitem item in menu)             {                 if (item.index == currentindex)                 {                     item.selected = true;                 }                 else                 {                     item.selected = false;                 }             }               menuitemmodel = content.load<model>("modelmenuitem3d");              font = content.load<spritefont>("gamefont");              (int = 0; < totalmenuitems; i++ )             {                 int x = -20;                 modelmenuitem item =  new modelmenuitem(this, menuitemmodel, view, projection);                  item.translation = new vector3(x + (i * 20), 0, 0);                 item.index = i;                 menu.add(item);             }             menu[0].selected = true;               base.initialize();         } 

here code //modelmenuitem.cs public class modelmenuitem : microsoft.xna.framework.gamecomponent {

        model modelitem;          public vector3 translation;          public matrix view;          public matrix projection;          public int index;          public bool selected;          public int offset;           public modelmenuitem(game game, model model, matrix view, matrix projection)             : base(game)         {             // todo: construct child components here             modelitem = model;             view = view;             projection = projection;             offset = 5;          }          public void draw()         {             matrix[] modeltransforms = new matrix[modelitem.bones.count];             modelitem.copyabsolutebonetransformsto(modeltransforms);             foreach (modelmesh mesh in modelitem.meshes)             {             foreach(basiceffect effect in mesh.effects)             {                 effect.enabledefaultlighting();                 effect.ambientlightcolor = color.white.tovector3();                  if (selected)                 {                     effect.world = modeltransforms[mesh.parentbone.index] * matrix.createtranslation(translation + new vector3(0, 0, offset));                 }                 else                 {                     effect.world = modeltransforms[mesh.parentbone.index] * matrix.createtranslation(translation);                 }                 effect.view = view;                 effect.projection = projection;             }             mesh.draw();             }          } 

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