iphone - View for Retina 3.5 displayed like Retina 4 -

i have iphone app retina 3.5. 1 of views set size "retina 3.5 fill screen". added toolbar view. however, when run app on iphone 5 view displayed full screen (like on retina 4) , toolbar somewhere in middle of view. here settings xcode: enter image description here

and here screenshot iphone 5: enter image description here

any thought how can make sure view displayed retina 3.5 on iphone 5 ?

is there particular reason why don't want work 4 inch display? iphone 5 users (at least me anyways) having app isn't built larger display annoying thing ever. users pay have more screen real estate , not making app them isn't taking advantage of screen real estate. also, apple made auto layout more versatile. means in future there going more screen sizes coming up, sooner or later have learn how make apps behave correctly using auto layout.

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