url marker in google map api using ASP.NET MVC4 -

i have map in page , when marker clicked goes action ballon in rptvendedorcontroller this,

public actionresult balloon( int id,string tipopin , bool clientecompleto) 

for url of marker create

url.action("balloon", "rptvendedor", new { id = cliente.clienteid, tipopin = "clientes", clientecompleto = true }) } 

that give in server side


my problem reason url change , when click marker url (is below) add (amp;) not hit action because not have format clientecompleto in query string

request url:http://localhost:10657/rptvendedor/balloon/4?tipopin=clientes&clientecompleto=true 

and dont know reason why add (amp;)?


i put viewmodel

globo = new mostrarmapaglobo { ancho = 400, alto = 200, url = url.action("balloon", "rptvendedor", new { id = cliente.clienteid, tipopin = "clientegeografico" }) } 

and in partial view

@foreach (var pin in model.pines)         {             <text>             var marker = new google.maps.marker({                 position: new google.maps.latlng(@pin.posicion.latitud, @pin.posicion.longitud),                 map: map,                 title: '@pin.alttext',                 icon: new google.maps.markerimage('@html.raw(pin.icono.replace("[color]", pin.color.substring(1)))'),                 @if (pin.click)                 {                     @:clickable: true,                 }                 else                 {                     @:clickable: false,                 }                 @if(pin.movil)                 {                     @:draggable: true,                 }                 else                 {                     @:draggable: false,                 }                  @if (!string.isnullorwhitespace(pin.globo.extras))                 {                     @pin.globo.extras@:,                 }                 ancho: '@pin.globo.ancho' + 'px',                 alto: '@pin.globo.alto' + 'px',                 url: '@pin.globo.url',                 contenido: '@pin.globo.contenido'             });             oms.addmarker(marker);             markers.push(marker);             </text>                 if (model.ruta != null && pin.ruta)                 {                 @:posiciones.push(new google.maps.latlng(@pin.posicion.latitud, @pin.posicion.longitud));                                         }         }    

ok, here should unescape html.raw :

... url: '@html.raw(pin.globo.url)', ... 

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