C# read only Serial port when data comes -

i want read serial port when data comes(i want not polling).

this how it.

                schnittstelle = new serialport("com3");                 schnittstelle.baudrate = 115200;                 schnittstelle.databits = 8;                 schnittstelle.stopbits = stopbits.two;              .... 

and start thread

             beginn = new thread(readcom);              beginn.start(); 

and in readcom i'm reading continuous (polling :( )

private void readcom()     {          try         {             while (schnittstelle.isopen)             {                  dispatcher.begininvoke(new action(() =>                 {                      comwindow.txtbcom.text = comwindow.txtbcom.text + environment.newline + schnittstelle.readexisting();                     comwindow.txtbcom.scrolltoend();                 }));                  beginn.join(10);              }         }         catch (threadabortexception)          {          }          catch (exception ex)         {             system.windows.forms.messagebox.show(ex.tostring(), "error", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error);         }     } 

i want yout read when interrupt coming. how can ?

you have add eventhandler datareceived event.

below example msdn.microsoft.com, edits: see comments!:

public static void main() {     serialport myserialport = new serialport("com1");      myserialport.baudrate = 9600;     myserialport.parity = parity.none;     myserialport.stopbits = stopbits.one;     myserialport.databits = 8;     myserialport.handshake = handshake.none;      myserialport.datareceived += new serialdatareceivedeventhandler(datareceivedhandler);      myserialport.open();      console.writeline("press key continue...");     console.writeline();     console.readkey();     myserialport.close(); }  private static void datareceivedhandler(object sender, serialdatareceivedeventargs e) {     serialport sp = (serialport)sender;     string indata = sp.readexisting();     debug.print("data received:");     debug.print(indata); } 

everytime data comes in, datareceivedhandler trigger , prints data console. think should able in code.

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