c# - json parsing with xamarin android -

i wrote code parse json string in android xamarin app.

            var request = httpwebrequest.create(myurl);             request.contenttype = "application/json";             request.method = "get";             using (httpwebresponse response = request.getresponse() httpwebresponse)             {                             if (response.statuscode != httpstatuscode.ok)                 {                     console.out.writeline("error fetching data. server returned status code: {0}", response.statuscode);                 }                 using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream()))                 {                     string content = reader.readtoend();                     if (string.isnullorwhitespace(content))                     {                         console.out.writeline("response contained empty body...");                     }                     else                     {                                                 list<billstablefields> billlist = newtonsoft.json.jsonconvert.deserializeobject<list<billstablefields>>(content);                         //return block                     }                 }             }     

but throws build error. appreciated new xamarin , can't find support anywhere else. build error got given below

c:\program files\msbuild\xamarin\android\xamarin.android.common.targets(5,5): error msb4018: "linkassemblies" task failed unexpectedly.

mono.cecil.resolutionexception: failed resolve system.diagnostics.tracelevel

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.marktype(typereference reference)

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.markfield(fieldreference reference)

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.initializefields(typedefinition type)

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.initializetype(typedefinition type)

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.initializeassembly(assemblydefinition assembly)

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.initialize()

at mono.linker.steps.markstep.process(linkcontext context)

at mono.linker.pipeline.process(linkcontext context)

at monodroid.tuner.linker.process(linkeroptions options, linkcontext& context)

at xamarin.android.tasks.linkassemblies.execute()

at microsoft.build.backend.taskexecutionhost.microsoft.build.backend.itaskexecutionhost.execute()

at microsoft.build.backend.taskbuilder.d__20.movenext() (msb4018) (loginapptest)

if linker fails "failed find type blah blah", means using desktop .net library somewhere in app. if json.net, remove desktop assembly , use version of json.net on component store (this xamarin's version of nuget, except things paid).

i make sure have latest version of xamarin.android.

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