javascript - proper way to fill js variables via ajax request -

at moment using follwing way fill global js variables data obtained json:

var tranlationjson =   $.ajax({     type: "get",     url: "translation.xml",     contenttype: "text/xml",     datatype: "xml",     success: function (datasource) {                         tranlationjson=tojasonparser(datasource);     } }); 

is there more clever way? need variables filled because in scrips loaded later use content.

you can make tranlationjson object instead of variable this:

var tranlationjson = {     init: function(){               $.ajax({                   type: "get",                   url: "translation.xml",                   contenttype: "text/xml",                   datatype: "xml",                   success: function (datasource) {                          = tojasonparser(datasource);                   }               }); } 

then call init function this:


then can access json response data this:; 


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