javascript - Nicedit editor image upload -

i using "niceedit" editor in website anyhow working charm massage when trying "upload" image editor.

"there error uploading image (sending image imageshack failed."

i , found has change niceuplod file , must api key .

so change way in calling editor following :

bklib.ondomloaded(function() {             niceditors.alltextareas(new niceditor({maxheight : 250}).panelinstance('contect'));           });          $('form').submit(function(){ niceditors.findeditor('contect').savecontent(); //console.log(niceditors.findeditor('contect').getcontent());          });    1  bklib.ondomloaded(function() {     new niceditor({         buttonlist : ['bold','italic','underline','upload'],         iconspath:'niceditoricons.gif',         uploaduri : 'nicupload.php',      }).panelinstance('contect'); });  got following error  top.nicuploadbutton undefined , in console following  typeerror: r.removeinstance not function  r.removeinstance(e); 

so why think having issue , should start looking ?

you must have own api code website , change in niceupload file

you fine in beginning of code

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