ios - Reachability.m - File not found - Odd behavior -

i have 2 files of relevance: collectionviewcontroller.m , imagedetailviewcontroller.m

for collectionviewcontroller.m, "#import "reachability.m" + functionality works fine. have added frameworks well.

however, when trying import reachability.m file in imagedetailviewcontroller.m well, "reachability.m - file not found"-error. don't understand why happening. both files in same group, folder everything.

collectionviewcontroller.m imagedetailviewcontroller.m

has come across this? i'd appreciate solution, driving me crazy!

you don't import reachability.m, required files imported having .h extensions called header files. problem importing .m files compiler might not able find .m file , complain.

i recommend use forward declarations quite faster way of building code , indexing it, can add class in code


@class reachability; in collectionviewcontroller.h header file

 @property(strong,nonatomic)reachability *reachability; // here declaring property 


`#import "reachability.h"` //only .h file required imported 

now can use reachability property in class self.reachability

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