jquery - Spring: Ajax call to @ResponseBody param encoding fails in IE -

i'm working spring , try make ajax call @responsebody in controller.


okay, added changes got told to ajax settings. param "jtsearchparam" still has same encoding problem in ie. + got other error, 406, response header has wrong content-type.

here's new code


@requestmapping(method = requestmethod.post, consumes="application/json; charset=utf-8", produces="application/json; charset=utf-8")     public @responsebody jsonobject getusers(@requestparam int jtstartindex, @requestparam int jtpagesize,             @requestparam string jtsorting, @requestparam string jtsearchparam,             httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws jsonexception{          gson gson = new gsonbuilder()                 .setexclusionstrategies(new userexclusionstrategy())                 .create();          list<user> users = userservice.findusers(jtstartindex ,jtpagesize, jtsorting, jtsearchparam);         type userlisttype = new typetoken<list<user>>() {}.gettype();          string usersjsonstring = gson.tojson(users, userlisttype);         int totalrecordcount = userdao.getamountofrows(jtsearchparam);          usersjsonstring = "{\"message\":null,\"result\":\"ok\",\"records\":" + usersjsonstring + ",\"totalrecordcount\":" + totalrecordcount + "}";          jsonobject usersjsonobject = new jsonobject(usersjsonstring);          return usersjsonobject;     } 

so see set content type in produces doesn't help. if debug response header looks this: (that causes 406 not acceptable browser)

response header

and new ajax settings:

... headers: {                   accept : "application/json; charset=utf-8",                 "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"             },             contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",             mimetype:"application/json; charset=utf-8",             cache:false,             type: 'post',             datatype: 'json' ... 

and parameters still same in ie!

ie debugged values

okay problem json content-type can solved this:

with responseentity you're able change content-type of response header, way ajax can interpret json object correct way , wont 406 http-error.

@requestmapping(method = requestmethod.post) public responseentity<string> getusers(@requestparam int jtstartindex, @requestparam int jtpagesize,         @requestparam string jtsorting, @requestparam string jtsearchparam,         httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws jsonexception{      httpheaders responseheaders = new httpheaders();     responseheaders.add("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");      gson gson = new gsonbuilder()             .setexclusionstrategies(new userexclusionstrategy())             .create();      list<user> users = userservice.findusers(jtstartindex ,jtpagesize, jtsorting, jtsearchparam);     type userlisttype = new typetoken<list<user>>() {}.gettype();      string usersjsonstring = gson.tojson(users, userlisttype);     int totalrecordcount = userdao.getamountofrows(jtsearchparam);      usersjsonstring = "{\"message\":null,\"result\":\"ok\",\"records\":" + usersjsonstring + ",\"totalrecordcount\":" + totalrecordcount + "}";      return new responseentity<string>(usersjsonstring, responseheaders, httpstatus.ok); } 

the problem encoding can solved this:

ie won't encode "ü, ä, etc." correctly, it'll add url this:"jtsearchparam=wü" should that:"jtsearchparam=w%c3%bc" (if doesn't you'll encoding errors on serverside when use ie)

so ever add values url, make sure use javascript method encodeuri on value before add url example:


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