How to get the JSON response from the Greenhopper REST API in Gadget? -

i not able response greenhopper rest api url http://:2990/jira/rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprints/1 through gadget application.

i able following output when try browser, below output.

 {"sprints":[{"id":1,"name":"sprint 1","closed":false}],"rapidviewid":1} 

my code snippet retrive sprint details in gadget :

args: {      key: "sprints",     ajaxoptions: function () {     return {                                         url: "/rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprints/1",            };      }  } 

can sugget me how json response greenhopper rest api jira dashboard.

i getting following exception in server:

 [talledlocalcontainer]   @  [talledlocalcontainer] 2013-04-25 15:26:58,985 http-2990-11 error admin 926x5323x1            dggnll /rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprints/1         [common.error.jersey.throwableexceptionmapper] uncaught exception thrown rest service  [talledlocalcontainer]  [talledlocalcontainer]   @   com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.terminatingrule.accept(  [talledlocalcontainer]   @ com.sun.jersey.server.impl.uri.rules.resourceclassrule.accept( 

that's right url maybe sprint doesn't exist or don't have permission view it? also, try using developer workbox add-on , rest api browser test these kind of methods.

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