Magento PHP : Products without parents -

in magento, on script filter products don't have parent product. :

$products = $this->_productmodel->getcollection()     ->addattributetoselect('*')     ->addstorefilter($this->_storeid)     ->addattributetofilter('type_id',array('in'=>$_types))     ->addattributetofilter('status',array('in'=>$_status))     ->jointable('cataloginventory/stock_item', 'product_id=entity_id', array('qty'=>'qty','is_in_stock' => 'is_in_stock'), $this->_getstocksql(), 'inner'); 

i got products, can "give me products without parents" using getcollection() ?


parent product , child product avialable in grouped, configurable, , bundle product. if don't want parent product

check if id in parent_id in catalog_product_relation , catlog_product_super_link parent product

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