c# - How to retrieve Display attribute in the Html Helper (GroupName) -

in htmlhelper i'm trying retrieve displayattribute.groupname of property, using

 modelmetadata.fromlambdaexpression(expression, html.viewdata) 

however, property "groupname" missing in modelmetadata.

i googled solutions , saw quite complex manipulations, while hope can solved easier.

any suggestions appreciated!

i have example may work. use create custom helper. hope works you:

 public static mvchtmlstring datepickerfor<tmodel, tproperty>(this htmlhelper<tmodel> htmlhelper, expression<func<tmodel, tproperty>> expression, string classname)  {      if (expression == null)      {             throw new argumentnullexception("expression");      }      var expressiontext = expressionhelper.getexpressiontext(expression);      var metadata = modelmetadata.fromlambdaexpression(expression, htmlhelper.viewdata);      var me = (expression.body memberexpression);      var display = me                 .member                 .getcustomattributes(typeof(displayattribute), false)                 .cast<displayattribute>()                 .firstordefault();      string paramdisplayname = display.name; //this need      return  new mvchtmlstring(datepicker(htmlhelper, expressiontext, classname, htmlhelper.viewdata.eval(expressiontext), validations)); } 

and how call method:

@html.datepickerfor(model => model.selectedmilestone.deliverydate, "core2-form-textbox-date") 

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