c++ - Creating a struct and a class with the same name -

summary: happens if declare struct , class same name.


i'm reviewing code , saw warning this:

warning: struct 'foo' declared class 

when compiling clang there couple of places clang added notes saying:

foo.h:29:1: note: did mean struct here? class foo; ^~~~~ struct 

obviously not coding practice have struct , class same name. looks happened developer writing own class , used name in use in file including , did not notice that.

however, question compiler able tell difference between variables declared class foo , ones struct foo?


actually happening developer using class foo in class bar had created. think in meantime place class foo declared had been changed struct bar. why code compiling. guess answer question struct , class interchangeable when declaring objects. still guess it's idea use them consistently.

the keywords struct , class largely interchangeable. if write struct foo, have created class type name of foo. , name must unique within scope (with special exception reasons of c compatibility, better ignore).

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