lua - Awesome WM 3.5 seperate config files -

i'm not sure if ok ask things here tell me if not :) . have no idea else ask.

i have problem awesome wm. try separate rc.lua different files (because starts long) , load them in rc.lua.

i have function changing xrandr layout. code works fine, when inserted directly rc.lua.

-- xrandr settings switcher --  -- active outputs local function outputs()    local outputs = {}    local xrandr = io.popen("xrandr -q")    if xrandr       line in xrandr:lines()      output = line:match("^([%w-]+) connected ")      if output         outputs[#outputs + 1] = output      end       end       xrandr:close()    end     return outputs end  local function arrange(out)    -- need enumerate way combinate output. assume    -- want horizontal layout.    local choices  = {}    local previous = { {} }    = 1, #out       -- find permutation of length `i`: take permutation       -- of length `i-1` , each of them, create new       -- permutations adding each output @ end of if       -- not present.       local new = {}       _, p in pairs(previous)      _, o in pairs(out)         if not awful.util.table.hasitem(p, o)            new[#new + 1] = awful.util.table.join(p, {o})         end      end       end       choices = awful.util.table.join(choices, new)       previous = new    end     return choices end  -- build available choices local function menu()    local menu = {}    local out = outputs()    local choices = arrange(out)     _, choice in pairs(choices)       local cmd = "xrandr"       -- enabled outputs       i, o in pairs(choice)      cmd = cmd .. " --output " .. o .. " --auto"      if > 1         cmd = cmd .. " --right-of " .. choice[i-1]      end       end       -- disabled outputs       _, o in pairs(out)      if not awful.util.table.hasitem(choice, o)         cmd = cmd .. " --output " .. o .. " --off"      end       end        local label = ""       if #choice == 1      label = 'only <span weight="bold">' .. choice[1] .. '</span>'       else      i, o in pairs(choice)         if > 1 label = label .. " + " end         label = label .. '<span weight="bold">' .. o .. '</span>'      end       end        menu[#menu + 1] = { label,               cmd,                           "/usr/share/icons/tango/32x32/devices/display.png"}    end    return menu end  -- display xrandr notifications choices local state = { iterator = nil,         timer = nil,         cid = nil } local function xrandr()    -- stop previous timer    if state.timer       state.timer:stop()       state.timer = nil    end     -- build list of choices    if not state.iterator       state.iterator = awful.util.table.iterate(menu(),                     function() return true end)    end     -- select 1 , display appropriate notification    local next  = state.iterator()    local label, action, icon    if not next       label, icon = "keep current configuration", "/usr/share/icons/tango/32x32/devices/display.png"       state.iterator = nil    else       label, action, icon = unpack(next)    end    state.cid = naughty.notify({ text = label,                 icon = icon,                 timeout = 4,                 screen = mouse.screen, -- important, not screens may visible                 font = "free sans 18",                 replaces_id = state.cid }).id     -- setup timer    state.timer = timer { timeout = 4 }    state.timer:connect_signal("timeout",               function()                  state.timer:stop()                  state.timer = nil                  state.iterator = nil                  if action                 awful.util.spawn(action, false)                  end               end)    state.timer:start() end 

i save xrandr.lua , paste folder awesome/rc.

then have function in rc.lua loading files "rc" folder (from here):

function loadrc(name, mod)    local success    local result     -- file? in rc/ or in lib/?    local path = awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/" ..       (mod , "lib" or "rc") ..       "/" .. name .. ".lua"     -- if module loaded, don't load again   if mod , package.loaded[mod] return package.loaded[mod] end     -- execute rc/module file    success, result = pcall(function() return dofile(path) end)    if not success       naughty.notify({ title = "error while loading rc file",                text = "when loading `" .. name ..               "`, got following error:\n" .. result,                preset = naughty.config.presets.critical              })       return print("e: error loading rc file '" .. name .. "': " .. result)    end     -- module?    if mod       return package.loaded[mod]    end     return result end 

then pasted ' loadrc("xrandr") ' rc.lua, nothing happens. tried different files (for example simple widget , loadrc widget file), pack of errors , doesnt work.

i tried just: "require("xrandr")" still same.

i tried google, awesome 3.4 , i'm not experienced in lua code. help

basically, require("xrandr") in ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua tells lua around file called xrandr.lua in ~/.config/awesome/ while storing in ~/.config/awesome/rc/. that's why can't find anything. should trick:


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