java - Android - Image in TextView via Html.fromHtml? -

i want display image textview in android , thought possible html.fromhtml(). found different tutorials image local resource. possible when have url image? if yes, can give me example?

i have solution that. put following code add smiles in text view.

private static final factory spannablefactory = spannable.factory         .getinstance();  private static final map<pattern, integer> emoticons = new hashmap<pattern, integer>();  static {     addpattern(emoticons, ":)", r.drawable.happy);     addpattern(emoticons, ":(", r.drawable.sad);     addpattern(emoticons, ":d", r.drawable.very_happy);     // many pattern want. make sure have images in drawable directory }  private static void addpattern(map<pattern, integer> map, string smile,         int resource) {     map.put(pattern.compile(pattern.quote(smile)), resource); }  public static boolean addsmiles(context context, spannable spannable) {     boolean haschanges = false;     (entry<pattern, integer> entry : emoticons.entryset()) {         matcher matcher = entry.getkey().matcher(spannable);         while (matcher.find()) {             boolean set = true;             (imagespan span : spannable.getspans(matcher.start(),                     matcher.end(), imagespan.class))                 if (spannable.getspanstart(span) >= matcher.start()                         && spannable.getspanend(span) <= matcher.end())                     spannable.removespan(span);                 else {                     set = false;                     break;                 }             if (set) {                 haschanges = true;                 spannable.setspan(new imagespan(context, entry.getvalue()),                         matcher.start(), matcher.end(),                         spannable.span_exclusive_exclusive);             }         }     }     return haschanges; }  public static spannable getsmiledtext(context context, charsequence text) {     spannable spannable = spannablefactory.newspannable(text);     addsmiles(context, spannable);     return spannable; } 

after doing copy paste, write following code set smiles in text view.

textview.settext(getsmiledtext(activityname.this,"hi :) how you...??? :d :(")); 

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