excel - extract multiple xml nodes into array without looping -

i have xml doc looks this:

<rng>   <col1>     <row1>a</row1>     <row2>b</row2>     <row3>c</row3>     <row4>d</row4>   </col1>   <col2>     <row1>e</row1>     <row2>f</row2>     <row3>g</row3>     <row4>h</row4>   </col2> </rng> 

there lot more of col nodes, , each 1 contains several thousand row elements.

i'd parse out values row elements , put them onto spreadsheet. i'm doing follows:

' list of col elements (thi sits in loop go through them all) set oxmlcolnodelist = oxmldoc.selectnodes("//savestates/rng/*")  ' lop through each column colnum = 1 oxmlcolnodelist.length     ' row nodes coulmn     set oxmlrownodelist = oxmldoc.selectnodes("//savestates/rng"/col" & colnum & "/*")      ' loop through row nodes     rownum = 1 oxmlrownodelist.length        ' node         set oxmlnode = oxmldoc.selectsinglenode("//savestates/rng/col" & colnum & "/row" & rownum)       next rownum next colnum 

i.e. i'm looping through col nodes, through each of row nodes values a, b, c, d etc. it's catastrophically slow when number of row elements goes towards tens of thousands.

i don't have experience parsing xml docs, i'm looking way extract values 'row*' nodes @ same time, without having loop through them. possible?

maybe can use ado db recordset open xml dom document in recordset, use range.copyfromrecordset method dump data excel after adding filter records want?

here sample code msdn: how obtain recordset xml

public function recordsetfromxmldocument(xmldomdocument domdocument) recordset dim orecordset adodb.recordset dim destrange range  set destrange=range("b2")  set orecordset = new adodb.recordset  orecordset.open xmldomdocument 'pass dom document instance source argument  set recordsetfromxmldocument = orecordset  'return recordset  destrange.copyfromrecordset orecordset   set orecordset = nothing  end function 

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