eclipse - How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds -

i trying work spring data , neo4j. started trying follow this guide linked main site. in particular based pom.xml off of "hello, world!" example file. here snip pom.xml plugin causing issues...

<plugin> <!-- required resolve aspectj-enhanced class features -->     <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>     <artifactid>aspectj-maven-plugin</artifactid>     <version>1.0</version>     <configuration>         <outxml>true</outxml>         <aspectlibraries>             <aspectlibrary>                 <groupid>org.springframework</groupid>                 <artifactid>spring-aspects</artifactid>             </aspectlibrary>             <aspectlibrary>                 <groupid></groupid>                 <artifactid>spring-data-neo4j</artifactid>             </aspectlibrary>         </aspectlibraries>         <source>1.6</source>         <target>1.6</target>     </configuration>     <executions>         <!-- error here in eclipse see below full message -->         <execution>             <goals>                 <goal>compile</goal>                 <goal>test-compile</goal>             </goals>         </execution>     </executions>     <dependencies>         <dependency>             <groupid>org.aspectj</groupid>             <artifactid>aspectjrt</artifactid>             <version>${aspectj.version}</version>         </dependency>         <dependency>             <groupid>org.aspectj</groupid>             <artifactid>aspectjtools</artifactid>             <version>${aspectj.version}</version>         </dependency>     </dependencies> </plugin> 

the error seeing is:

 multiple annotations found @ line:     - plugin execution not covered lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0:compile (execution: default, phase: process-classes)     - plugin execution not covered lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0:test-compile (execution: default, phase: process-classes) 

i running eclipse 3.6.2 , m2e 0.13. i'm not maven expert, please explanatory in answers if possible.

i've tried m2e 1.0.0 via this update site , still same error.

in case of similar problem, instead of using andrew's suggestion fix, worked after introduced <pluginmanagement> tag pom.xml in question. looks error due missing <pluginmanagement> tag. so, in order avoid exceptions in eclipse, looks 1 needs enclose plugin tags inside <pluginmanagement> tag, so:

<build>     <pluginmanagement>         <plugins>             <plugin> ... </plugin>             <plugin> ... </plugin>                   ....         </plugins>     </pluginmanagement> </build> 

once structure in place, error goes away.

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