c# - How to Bind the the value of a TextBlock which is inside a DataTemplate? -

hi want bind value of textblock inside datatemplate text property of textblock change runtime according file/folder listing. have written below code string empty. working env windows phone 8 visual studio 2012.

<grid x:name="contentpanel"> <phone:longlistselector>         <phone:longlistselector.listfootertemplate >         <datatemplate >             <textblock  name="tbfooter" text="{binding footertext, mode=oneway}" />         </datatemplate>     </phone:longlistselector.listfootertemplate> </phone:longlistselector>   

this textblock name= tbfooter has updated runtime footertext value.

now in code behind have defined property

private int _footertext; public int footertext {       {       return this._footertext;    }    set    {       this._footertext=value       notifypropertychanged("footertext");    } } 

however value of teh textblock tbfooter null, not showing null. can me out please ?

edit: have again updated xaml code here,. don't follow mvvm here, simple windows phone apps. appreciated.

private int _footertext; public int footertext {       {       return this._footertext;    }    set    {       this._footertext=value;  //  <<-----------you might miss this!       notifypropertychanged("footertext");    } } 

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