vb.net - Use the shadowed property of the derived class in the base class -

i have 2 class, customerservice class , cellphonecustomerservice class. cellphonecustomerservic class derived customerservice class. cellphonecustomerservice class shadows customerrepository property of customerservice class.

public class customerservice         <microsoft.practices.unity.dependency()> _         public property customerrepository isqlrepository             set (byval value sqlrepository)                 _customerrepository = value             end set                                       return _customerrepository             end         end property           public sub save(byval cust customer)             me.customerrepository.save(object)         end sub          public function getallcustomers(byval query string) customer             me.customerrepository.getallcustomer(byval query string)         end sub          public function getcustomer(byval id integer)             me.customerrepository.getcustomer(object)         end sub              end class   public class cellphonecustomerservice     inherits customerservice         <microsoft.practices.unity.dependency()> _         public shadow property customerrepository ioraclerepository             set (byval value oraclerepository)                 _customerrepository = value             end set                                       return _customerrepository             end         end property             end class 

my problem code when create instance of cellphonecustomerservice class , use save method, getallcustomers, , getcustomer function, still uses customerrepository property of base class , not shadowed customerrepository property of derived class.

what need when object cellphonecustomerservice, base class should use shadowed customerrepository property of cellphonecustomerservice class if object customerservice class use own customerrepository property.

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