java - input Mat used in goodFeatureToTrack -

i'm trying detect feature in face goodfeaturetotrack function in java. crashes there. code:

mat eyeregion = detectcascade();//i used here cascadeclassifier detect eye region if(eyeregion.empty())     log.i("face_calibrated","eye region empty"); 

i make sure region not empty.

if(eyeregion.channels()==1)  {   //i convert mat rgb detectfeatures     imgproc.cvtcolor(eyeregion, eyeregion, imgproc.color_gray2rgb);     log.i("face_calibrated","eyeregion channel1"); } 

here problem:


i have declared cornersa global matofpoint

public matofpoint cornersa = new matofpoint(); 

what type of input mat (rgb or gray) should used in function?

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