c# - how to dynamical pass generic-type same as type of parameter? -
i trying this:
public static void showtaskpane(usercontrol type) { var item = set.oftype<typeof(type)>().firstordefault(); }
but not working, want select object of type or passed parameter. method signature, if required, can change it, suggest me how it?
you can define method as:
public static void showtaskpane<t>() { var item = set.oftype<t>().firstordefault(); }
and call like:
or if method suppose return control then:
public t showtaskpane<t>() { return set.oftype<t>().firstordefault(); }
call like:
var item = showtaskpane<usercontrol>();
for comment: there anyway can restrict th type of t subtype of usercontrol?
you can specify constraint like:
public t showtaskpane<t>() t : usercontrol { return set.oftype<t>().firstordefault(); }