Android Google Maps application showing grey background instead of the map -

ok, i'm having weirdest bug right : android application i'm working on displaying grey background instead of map, such below :


here's logcat :

04-25 15:08:42.082: e/google maps android api(19139): failed load map.  not contact google servers. 04-25 15:08:42.082: w/google maps android api(19139): please add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state"/> androidmanifest.xml ensure correct behavior under poor connectivity conditions. 

i have no idea might have caused this. changed small part of code unrelated map. , besides, tried reverting changes made, , still didn't work. tried adding line logcat gave me, changing api key, re-installing google play library, deleting previous versions of app on tablet, pretty read on internet. still doesn't work.

if has idea problem might be, great.

this problem caused when there problem key or problem it's configuration in google api console.

go on blog post wrote on how produce key , integrate in in console:

google maps api v2 key

if not helpful can try delete dubug.keystore folder in user folder, compile project in eclipe (which result in regenerating key) , try register again.

update: new error posted, have permission in manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state"/> 

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