objective c - How to use JSON for an iPhone app? -

i trying make weather app, found great json weather api online. using

nsdata * data = [nsdata datawithcontentsofurl: [nsurl urlwithstring: absoluteurl]]; nserror * error; nsdictionary * json = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata: data //1   options: kniloptions    error: & error ]; nslog(@"%@", json); nslog([nsstring stringwithformat: @"location: %@", [json objectforkey: @"status"]]); 

to data, wont work, log returns (null). can plase explain me how can strings , values of json file? thanks!

edit: change code line 3 (including) to:

nsdictionary * json = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:data options:0 error:&error]; nsarray *meta = json[@"objects"];  (nsdictionary *adict in meta) {     nsdictionary *location = adict[@"location"];     nslog(@"%@", location); } 

this nslog()s locations in json response.

if want city , country once can following:

nsdictionary *location = json[@"objects"][0][@"location"]; nsstring *country = location[@"country"]; nsstring *locality = location[@"locality"];  nslog(@"country: %@", country); nslog(@"locality: %@", locality); 


country: germany
locality: hauzenberg

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