javascript - Upload Base64 Image Facebook Graph API -

i'm trying upload base64 image facebook page using node.js. have managed upload working multipart data etc should read file filesystem (ie. using fs.readfilesync('c:\a.jpg')

however, should use base64 encoded image , try upload it, give me following error : {"error":{"message":"(#1) unknown error occurred","type":"oauthexception","code":1}}

i have tried converting binary new buffer(b64string, 'base64'); , uploading that, no luck.

i have been struggling 3 days now, anyhelp appreciated.

edit : if knows how convert base64 binary , upload it, work me.

edit : code snippet

var postdetails = separator + newlineconstant + 'content-disposition: form-data;name="access_token"' + newlineconstant + newlineconstant + accesstoken + newlineconstant + separator;  postdetails = postdetails + newlineconstant + 'content-disposition: form-data; name="message"' + newlineconstant + newlineconstant + message + newlineconstant;  //add image information var filedetailsstring = ''; var index = 0; var multipartbody = new buffer(0); images.foreach(function (currentimage) {     filedetailsstring = filedetailsstring + separator + newlineconstant + 'content-disposition: file; name="source"; filename="image' + index + '"' + newlineconstant + 'content-type: image/jpeg' + newlineconstant + newlineconstant;     index++;      multipartbody = buffer.concat([multipartbody, new buffer(filedetailsstring), currentimage]); //this use if bianry data passed in       currentimage = new buffer (currentimage.tostring('base64'), 'base64'); // following lines use base64 image being passed in (the appropriate lines enabled/disabled if using binary/base64)     multipartbody = buffer.concat([multipartbody, new buffer(filedetailsstring), currentimage]); });  multipartbody = buffer.concat([new buffer(postdetails), multipartbody, new buffer(footer)]); 

the code above didn't quite work me (missing comma after type:"post", , data uri blob function reported errors. got following code work in firefox , chrome:

function postimagetofacebook(authtoken) {     var canvas = document.getelementbyid("c");     var imagedata  = canvas.todataurl("image/png");     try {         blob = datauritoblob(imagedata);     }     catch(e) {         console.log(e);     }     var fd = new formdata();     fd.append("access_token",authtoken);     fd.append("source", blob);     fd.append("message","photo text");     try {         $.ajax({             url:"" + authtoken,             type:"post",             data:fd,             processdata:false,             contenttype:false,             cache:false,             success:function(data){                 console.log("success " + data);             },             error:function(shr,status,data){                 console.log("error " + data + " status " + shr.status);             },             complete:function(){                 console.log("posted facebook");             }         });     }     catch(e) {         console.log(e);     } }  function datauritoblob(datauri) {     var bytestring = atob(datauri.split(',')[1]);     var ab = new arraybuffer(bytestring.length);     var ia = new uint8array(ab);     (var = 0; < bytestring.length; i++) {         ia[i] = bytestring.charcodeat(i);     }     return new blob([ab], { type: 'image/png' }); } 

here's code @ github

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