How do I make a call to the Yahoo hourly weather forecast API? -

i have found yahoo weather forcast helpful.

i'm able hourly weather request here yahoo.

how can make api request above hourly weather report using yahoo api call

this documentation found.

you can using rest api's of programming language want use.. give java example. (similar thing applies other languages too.. )'

package tests;  import org.apache.http.*; import org.apache.http.client.methods.httpget; import org.apache.http.impl.client.defaulthttpclient; import org.apache.http.util.entityutils;  /**  * simple java rest example using apache http library.  * executes call against yahoo weather api service,  * rss service (  *   * try twitter api url example (it returns json results):  *  * (see url more twitter info:  *   * apache httpclient:  *  */ public class apachehttprestclient1 {    public static void main(string[] args) {     defaulthttpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();     try {       // specify host, protocol, , port       httphost target = new httphost("", 80, "http");        // specify request       httpget getrequest = new httpget("/forecastrss?p=80020&u=f");        system.out.println("executing request " + target);        httpresponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(target, getrequest);       httpentity entity = httpresponse.getentity();        system.out.println("----------------------------------------");       system.out.println(httpresponse.getstatusline());       header[] headers = httpresponse.getallheaders();       (int = 0; < headers.length; i++) {         system.out.println(headers[i]);       }       system.out.println("----------------------------------------");        if (entity != null) {         system.out.println(entityutils.tostring(entity));       }      } catch (exception e) {       e.printstacktrace();     } {       // when httpclient instance no longer needed,       // shut down connection manager ensure       // immediate deallocation of system resources       httpclient.getconnectionmanager().shutdown();     }   } 

there more ways same... can find many other alternate ways @

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