sql - Creating a Stored Procedure -

i trying create stored procedure allow me update actualarrivaldate , actualdeparturedate in tripstop table stoptypecode = drop in tripstoporder table.

create proc spupdatetable @orderid int, @arrivaldate datetime, @departuredate datetime   begin      begin transaction    select * dbo.tripstoporder    join dbo.tripstop on dbo.tripstoporder.tripstopid = dbo.tripstop.tripstopid    orderid = ''and stoptypecode ='drop' 

once find record need grab tripstopid , pass update statement. not sure how this...can use temp table run select statement pick tripstopid?

   update dbo.tripstop set arrivaldate='',departuredate=''    tripstopid = ''  end commit 

any ideas or suggestions appreciated. ~newbie~

instead of doing select , update, change clause in update statement:

where tripstopid = (select t.tripstopid tripstoporder o inner join tripstop t on o.tripstopid = t.tripstopid orderid = @orderid , stoptypecode = 'drop') 

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