Magento XML configuration -

i have follow instruction per magento u, configuration xml. xml configuration not working side.

here code have done.


<?xml version="1.0"?>      <config>         <modules>             <first_module>                 <active>true</active>                 <codepool>local</codepool>             </first_module>         </modules>     </config> 

in local codepool


<?xml version="1.0"?> <config>     <default>         <some>             <ranadom>                 <xpath>here value</xpath>             </ranadom>         </some>     </default> </config> 

now, want call xpath value in cmscontroller indexaction()

for have put code in cms/contollers/indexaction()

 echo "test";  echo mage::getstoreconfig('some/random/xpath');  die; 

with of echo mage::getstoreconfig('some/random/xpath'); call value of xpath tag.

when cms indexaction() call @ time. can see here value.

can 1 tell wrong?

in config.xml have typo. wrote <ranadom> instead of <random>.

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