combinations - Combinational Circuit with LED Lighting -
combinational circuit design question.
____ | | f | | b | | ____ | g | e | | c | | ____ d suppose led display. take input of 4 bit (0000)-(1111) , display hex of it. example if (1100) come in display c turning on afed , turning off bcg. if (1010) comes in display turning on abcefg , turn off d. these display capital letters there no visual difference between 0 , d , 8 , b. develop truth table , optimized expression using karnaugh maps.
i'm not sure how begin. truth table using (w,x,y,z) input variable or abcdefg variable since it's 1 turning on , off?
input (1010)-->a--> abcefg~d (~ stand not) input (1011)-->b--> abcdefg input (1100)-->c--> adef~b~c~g
so hex 0-f give me min. term canonical use karnaugh map optimize it? grateful!
1) map lights bits:
abcdefg, truth table be:
abcdefg input (1010)-->a-->1110110
and on.
you have big table (with 16 rows).
2) follow sample on wikipedia every output light.