linq - DynamicLinq C# not working in join -

i using in c # projects dynamiclinq.

when simple select using "order by", "skip", etc. works perfectly.

but if join restona simple error:

error   3   instance argument: cannot convert 'int?' 'system.linq.iqueryable'   j:\c#\erp\erp\helpers\listagempadrao.cs 23  25  erp  error   2   'int?' not contain definition 'orderby' , best extension method overload 'system.linq.dynamic.dynamicqueryable.orderby(system.linq.iqueryable, string, params object[])' has invalid arguments    j:\c#\erp\erp\helpers\listagempadrao.cs 23  25  erp 

sql work:

var lista =   in db.usuario.asqueryable()       .orderby(aorderna + " " + aordenatipo)       .skip(ainiciarnoregistro)       .take(aqtderegistro)                           select new       {           a.usuarioid,           a.nome,           a.login,        };    

sql not work:

var lista =   in db.usuario.asqueryable()   join b in db.usuarioacesso.asqueryable() on a.usuarioid equals b.usuarioid        .orderby(aorderna + " " + aordenatipo)       .skip(ainiciarnoregistro)       .take(aqtderegistro)                           select new       {           a.usuarioid,           a.nome,           a.login,        }; 

have tried casting int - int? indicates nullable, wont have of extension methods in it.

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