ruby on rails - Load dynamic partial based on Dropdown selection -

i new ruby on rails. please guide me this. tried code doesn't know correct or wrong. i'm loading collection of @customer based on customer have load fields in same form. suppose 1 customer have name,password,agent,address , customer have different attributes.

i first create jquery calls display have tried load dynamic partial file. please load dynamic partial file based on customer.

here code

app/views/customer/new/_form.html.erb   <%= simple_form_for(@customer) |f| %>    <%= f.input :first_name, placeholder: 'first name', label: 'customer first name' %>    <%= f.input :last_name, placeholder: 'last name', label: 'customer last name' %>    <%= f.input :email, placeholder: '', label: 'customer email' %>      <%= f.input :customer_id, :collection => customer.all, :prompt => "choose ats",:input_html => {:onchange => "load_customer_content(this)"}  %> <div id="customer_content%> </div>    <%end%>  <script>   function load_customer_content(customer){        $("#customer_content").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: customer.find(customer.value).name.to_s%>");   } </script> 

but partial not merging div of customer_content. believe using ajax can achieve not sure how trigger ajax help???

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