c++ - How to instantiate a template method of a template class with swig? -

i have class in c++ template class, , 1 method on class templated on placeholder

template <class t> class whatever { public:     template <class v>     void foo(std::vector<v> values); } 

when transport class swig file, did

%template(whatever_myt) whatever<myt>; 

unfortunately, when try invoke foo on instance of whatever_myt python, attribute error. thought had instantiate member function with

%template(foo_double) whatever<myt>::foo<double>; 

which write in c++, not work (i syntax error)

where problem?

declare instances of member templates first, declare instances of class templates.


%module x  %inline %{ #include<iostream> template<class t> class whatever {     t m; public:     whatever(t a) : m(a) {}     template<class v> void foo(v a) { std::cout << m << " " << << std::endl; } }; %}  // member templates     %template(fooi) whatever::foo<int>; %template(food) whatever::foo<double>; // class templates.  each contain fooi , food members. %template(whateveri) whatever<int>; %template(whateverd) whatever<double>; 


>>> import x >>> wi=x.whateveri(5) >>> wd=x.whateverd(2.5) >>> wi.fooi(7) 5 7 >>> wd.fooi(7) 2.5 7 >>> wi.food(2.5) 5 2.5 >>> wd.food(2.5) 2.5 2.5 

reference: 6.18 templates (search "member template") in swig 2.0 documentation.

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