monodevelop - Debugging F# in Xamarin Studio 4.0.3 throws an error -

i have installed xamarin studio 4.0.1 on windows 8 x64 . when ran xamarin, got updated 4.0.3. have installed f# bindings. have created new f# console project. when run it, works fine. when set break-point , run it, following error. idea, why happens?

system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x80070032): request not supported. (exception hresult: 0x80070032) @ microsoft.samples.debugging.cordebug.nativeapi.icordebug.createprocess(string lpapplicationname, string lpcommandline, security_attributes lpprocessattributes, security_attributes lpthreadattributes, int32 binherithandles, uint32 dwcreationflags, intptr lpenvironment, string lpcurrentdirectory, startupinfo lpstartupinfo, process_information lpprocessinformation, cordebugcreateprocessflags debuggingflags, icordebugprocess& ppprocess) @ microsoft.samples.debugging.cordebug.cordebugger.createprocess(string applicationname, string commandline, security_attributes processattributes, security_attributes threadattributes, boolean inherithandles, int32 creationflags, intptr environment, string currentdirectory, startupinfo startupinfo, process_information& processinformation, cordebugcreateprocessflags debuggingflags) @ microsoft.samples.debugging.cordebug.cordebugger.createprocess(string applicationname, string commandline, string currentdirectory, idictionary`2 environment, int32 flags) @ monodevelop.debugger.win32.cordebuggersession.onrun(debuggerstartinfo startinfo) @ mono.debugging.client.debuggersession.<>c__displayclassc.b__a()

the problem win32 debugger not support x64 debugging. try debugging application in 32bit , work.

we need implement remote debuggin, aka spawning 64bit debugger can debug 64bit app. use mdbg backend.

also check:

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