html - How to get rid of a table border in wordpress? -

i'm building simple website friend of mine using wordpress. in page want make simple rectangle , put info in it. since learned html in 90's still use table (with 1 td) this. since want table border disappear created table so:

<table border="0"> <tr><td>some content</td></tr> </table> 

unfortunately, border still appears (see here page work on).

does know how can rid of table border?

you having rule in stylesheet style.css line 1071 needs removed

th, td, table {     border: 1px solid #dddddd; } 

note: element selector, apply tables in website.

you've table inside div class post-entry better can override styles using below selector

.post-entry *  { /* '*' select element inside .post-entry cautious */    border: 0 !important; } 

and if having post-entry other elements too, explicitly specify elements instead of using *

.post-entry table, .post-entry th, .post-entry td {    border: 0; } 

tip : use firebug, save asking less questions , wasting less time in debugging css, html , js

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