Get each post id with all comments using facebook FQL -

i want each post id comments page using fql query.if use -

select text,post_id  comment  post_id in(select post_id  stream  source_id=page_id_here)  

this returns -

{   "data": [     {       "text": "would nice if website let me update. says have current version 2.5.9 :(",       "post_id": "2211155996_10151336546425997"     },     {       "text": "all of mine started showing update message in last hour , got emails admin tools.",       "post_id": "2211155996_10151336546425997"     }, ........continues 

as see returns text , post_id in 1 object.what want there post_id , comments in 1 object.hope answer struggling's multi queries join

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