Export data from sqlite to a csv file in rails -

i have app uses sqlite db , there entries in table. have change sqlite postgres. , table design changed.

if same table design have gone use taps or dump data using yaml-db , push data postgres, in scenario table design changes want move data sqlite postgres according new table.

so thought of exporting data sqlite csv file , move data csv postgres. way have or there other way doing it? if way how can export csv , import postgres?

another thing is, after exporting data sqlite, there way push data through migration? please me.

to export in csv format add controller action respond_to csv , in matching view folder create .csv.erb file create csv. can called adding .csv url.

so controller this:

def index   @people = person.all    respond_to |format|     format.html # index.html.erb     format.json { render json: @people }     format.csv   end end 

and view saved in file (something /app/views/people/index.csv.erb) contain:

first name,last name <% @people.each |p| %>   <%= raw "\"#{p.first_name}\"" %>,<%= raw "\"#{p.last_name}\"" %> <% end %> 

this way creating csv not dependent on database in use.

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